Essential Oils
Properties & Use
It is considered to be a natural hair elixir, which can give a quick and easy solution to various problems of the scalp. Laurel leaf extract is used for centuries as a natural cosmetic from men and women with visible results mainly in hair, thanks to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of the leaves and fruit of laurel. Laurel essential oil strengthens hair and gives a glamorous effect. It works as a protection against hair loss and earwig, preventing hair from root to tip. Use: Apply a few drops of laurel essential oil on dry hair, to the edges {this way the oil will be completely removed from your hair}. Then wrap it with a towel, let all night and in the morning wash well. Laurel essential oil has a tendency to darken the hair, therefore it is recommended for dark hair.
Eucalyptus essential oil is used in aromatherapy, for asthma, cough, common cold, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, skin infections and rheumatism. Its antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties make eucalyptus essential oil suitable for respiratory system problems. It is the most widely used essential oil against common flu. It effectively repels mosquitoes and relieves from their bites. Use: Ease breathing during flu by adding 6-7 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a bowl of boiling water and inhale. To repel insects and especially mosquitoes, with a special ceramic device, add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in the water and then place a little candle at the bottom of the device.
Oregano essential oil is a perfect oil, capable of dealing with a wide range of microbes, fungi, bacteria and viruses. It is suitable for all cases where health problems are caused by microorganisms such as acne, arthritis, asthma, bad breath, sores and ulcers, bromidosis (smell associated with excessive sweating), bruises, burns, cellulitis, cold sores, common colds, cough, dandruff, skin rash, diarrhea, ear infections, eczema, frostbite, gum disease, food poisoning, lice, herpes, hepatitis, headaches, leg cramps, pneumonia, psoriasis, sinusitis, sore throat, sports injuries, toothache, varicose veins and wounds. Use: Protect your body against colds and flu by drinking a drop of oregano essential oil diluted in a glass of water. Treat minor burns and relieve pain by mixing a drop of oregano essential oil with a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil. Also suitable for psoriasis, fungal infection and dermatoses (2-3 drops in a tablespoon of olive oil). It is not recommended during pregnancy and for people with iron deficiency. The use of oregano essential oil must be performed with caution and only after it has been diluted, otherwise it may irritate the skin and mucous membranes badly.
Mint essential oil has a popular scent, used in foods and in many products. The main component of mint, menthol, a phyto-chemical that helps soothe muscle spasms, improves digestion, protects against food poisoning and relieves headache and nausea. The essential oil of mint is a common ingredient in cough drops, nasal sprays and ointments for the chest. Studies have shown that mint can significantly reduce symptoms in gastrointestinal discomfort and can even help prevent formation of ulcers in the stomach. It is used in aromatherapy. It is also effective against weakness, lethargy, nausea, fever, headache. It improves breathing and increases mental clarity and memory. Use: To impugn dizziness and nausea during a trip put 2 drops of mint essential oil on a towel and inhale. To relieve tired, aching feet after a difficult day, add 5 drops of mint essential oil in a bowl with water and then soak. For fresh breath and to protect your teeth at the same time , add 1 drop mint essential oil in a glass of water and use as mouthwash.
Sage essential oil stimulates the renewal of skin cells and increases blood circulation. It is rich in calcium and vitamin A, which is essential for daily cell regeneration. This renewal process helps minimize and delay the appearance of facial wrinkles. It also reduces the appearance of varicose veins and broken capillaries. Sage helps the body to better control the secretions of natural oils, leading to oiliness. The increased blood flow helps to eliminate body toxins, which reduces and prevents the appearance of cellulite. Use: Massage with essential oil of sage several times a week, where there is cellulite, will help remove toxins and fat cells that cause it. With gentle massage with essential oil of sage directly to the scalp, you can increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which encourages hair growth and minimizes their loss. It can also be added to shampoo as an anti-dandruff.
Lemongrass (citronella)
Lemongrass essential oil has many medicinal properties. It is analgesic, antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, soothing, soothing and diuretic. Revitalizes and stimulates the body, relieves headaches and muscle pain. It acts against oily skin and cellulite. The essential oil of lemongrass also keeps pets clean from fleas and ticks. It is a great base for many skin care products. Its anti-inflammatory properties calm every skin rash, redness, irritation of the skin. It can reach the muscles, tendons and joints. Ensures healthy skin since it has excellent antifungal activity. The refreshing fragrance of lemongrass creates positive emotions while it effectively repels mosquitoes. Topical application relieves from their bite. Use: Add a few drops of lemongrass essential oil in a special ceramics device to tone up when you feel drowsiness but also to have a herbal insect repellent. Massage on areas with lemongrass essential oil mixed with beeswax to help remove cellulites and acne. It detoxifies the skin and removes oiliness.
Lavender essential oil is known mainly for its perfume, but has many other properties that make it one of the best oils, used in perfumery soap making and pharmaceutics. Used for many years as a natural remedy for digestive health, lavender essential oil improves intestinal function. It acts against hair loss and dandruff, while it is excellent for bee or wasp bites and removes microorganisms that live in bedding and mattresses (mites). It has healing properties and is analgesic and antiseptic. It can be applied undiluted on wounds, cuts, insect bites and on any skin inflammation. Lavender gives amazing results and when it comes to acne. It is one of the few essential oils that can be used safely on the skin undiluted. The essential oil of lavender calms the nerves, it is antidepressant, healing and regenerating for the skin. Research has shown that lavender has a calming effect, which promotes relaxation and helps in the treatment of anxiety and depression. Use: Relieve burns, irritations and tweaks by adding 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil directly on the skin. Use it undiluted for acne problems, for insect bites and for lice. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to forehead, temples, neck and massage gently. It helps relieve migraines, tension, fatigue and even hangover. Inhalation of lavender essential oil or a drop on the pillow, can lead to a peaceful and healthy sleep. A drop of lavender essential oil 2-3 times a day in the area of the heart and on the inner side of the left wrist can help in arrhythmias.
Thyme essential oil of is used in aromatherapy, against colds, cough, communicable diseases, bronchitis, to relieve muscle aches and as a memory and concentration enhancer. It is ideal for oily skin and acne, while it reduces dandruff, hair loss and oiliness. It helps regulate menstrual flow, but also its abnormal disruption, both in leucorrhoea and amenorrhea. Thyme essential oil has strong antiseptic properties. It is used in cases of tonsillitis, respiratory problems, arthritis, dermatitis, sore throat, sinusitis, pertussis, laryngitis, oily skin, infestation and stomach problems. It is also useful in childhood diarrhea and nocturnal enuresis. Use: To fight cough and runny nose, add 2 drops of thyme essential oil to 1⁄2 liter of boiling water and inhale. For mental stimulation, add 4-5 drops of essential oil in special ceramic device for essential oils. To make mouthwash for sensitive gums, add 1 drop of essential oil in 1 glass of water. For sore throat, add 1 drop of essential oil in 1 glass of water and gargle twice a day. Use of thyme essential oil is not recommended in cases of hypertension and pregnancy.
Erba rosa (geranium)
Erba rosa essential oil is considered to be one of the most effective against nausea. It acts as a pain reliever, against arthritis, it relieves migraines and reduces cholesterol. Due to its strong aroma, it must be avoided by those allergic to perfumes. It is often contained in creams, shampoos, lotions, soaps and other cosmetics products. It is believed to have healing properties and is recommended as an antidepressant, antiseptic, diuretic, deodorant, tonic, healing for burns, wounds and ulcers. It is considered to be a blood circulation slider, suitable for detoxification and miscarriage of excess fluids, sedative of the nervous system and anxiolytic. It is also considered to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, so it is used in acne creams, for eczema, dry skin, burns, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, as an anti-ageing and protective against radiation. Finally, erba rosa essential oil works as an excellent natural insect repellent. Use: In cooking, it gives a special flavor and acts as a natural preservative in jams, sweets, ice creams and drinks. It can be used in massage or diluted in wax for maintenance of a shiny and healthy skin. It has healing properties that help in clearing up spots and imperfections, erases and soothes acne scars, cellulite, stretch marks and bruises. It can be diluted in shampoo to help in the removal of lice. It should not be applied before sleep, because it stimulates the memory and keeps the body alert. The use of this essential oil is forbidden during pregnancy, an on children, because it affects the hormonal and central nervous system.